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If you want to buy a brand of bag, and don’t want gsduyfbvgdj to street. It is full of the Logo should designer replica not your first choice LV. Fortunately, LV is good at breaking through to win more consumers’ heart. 2011 qiu dong LV male bag, change the LV aging, LV the checkerboard of traditional material. High-grade leather, concise appearance design. Only on the LV bag small fonts it to let people know the from LV. LV of the classic design always get rid of deep color of the cortex, the steady money color design. But it is this conservative, make it survive for more than a century, but also as a year of moet hennessy Louis vuitton (LVMH) the main force of earnings. What exactly is the power to let it so stubborn? What exactly is it so appealing to charm? LV female bag, LV bag of the birth of the male has 100 sight, towards cheaps bags online another belongs to its new century of the summer, specially launched the combination of a variety of simple elements of fashion bags. The design of simple design using simple philosophy is the best annotation of the travel. Since 1854, the first LV bag travel leather goods stores since its opening in Paris, a landmark the brand story starts. After a century and a half, the famous French brand with unique design, process traditional excellence and have high decent is famous for its customers, and will travel and life together into a has artistic taste. LV 11 qiu dong elegant style restoring ancient ways is revealed, and dark brown handbag is show men composed, and hard working side. Colour with slightly gray cloud tonal, expresses the elegant feeling. Paris, France local time on August 10,, LV’s official website released last week show in Paris of 2011 LV male bag. LV male package design director Paul Helbers with his recent designer handbags travel east for inspiration, asked to name famous tattoo art design with Chinese series of Scott Campbell classical impression of the mysterious totem, representative of the dragon, clouds, such as the classical Chinese totem elements, scrutiny and Louis vuitton legendary Monogram printing stealth among them, this kind of totem appeared in the men’s bags, classical Damier Graphite bags, or even a model body coloured drawing or pattern, with the brand of the same work fine with elegant style, Louis vuitton that interweave this season the new era of stateless attire.